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          Special transformer performance characteristics

          1. easy to install, demolition, small footprint, can be installed indoors and outdoors.
          2. high efficiency and energy saving, only need to consume a small amount of electrical energy, you can absorb a lot of heat in the air, the power consumption is only 1/3-1/4 of the heater.
          3. special transformers environmental protection and pollution-free: without any burning substances and emissions, is a sustainable and environmentally friendly product.
          4. special transformer operation is safe and reliable: the entire system does not have the danger of flammable, explosive, poisonous, short circuit, etc. in the traditional dryer (fuel, gas or electric heating), is a An absolutely safe and reliable fully enclosed drying system.
          5. special transformers have long service life and low maintenance costs. It is developed on the basis of traditional air-conditioning technology. It has mature technology, stable performance, safe and reliable operation, and automatic manual operation. Intelligent control.
          6. comfortable and convenient, high degree of automation, intelligent: automatic control thermostat, 24 hours continuous drying operation.
          2019/06/03 13:42:50 3926 次

          Related Documents

          Contact:Mr. YuanTel:+86-510-87846969 Fax:+86-510-87848616
          E-mail:yxwb@vip.163.comAdd:Wanshi Town Industrial Concentration Zone, Yixing City, Jiangsu
          Copy right ? 2019 Yixing Wansheng Transformer Co., Ltd.
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