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          CN EN

          Power frequency furnace transformer

          Power frequency induction furnace directly use the power frequency power supply, using the principle of electromagnetic induction to melt the metal. Widely used in the melting of black and non-ferrous metals and various high-grade cast iron, malleable cast iron, ductile iron and so on.
          Structural Features
          Power frequency furnace transformer load power supply is stable, generally no overload requirements. In order to improve efficiency, the impedance voltage is low and the hard external features, the structural design features are similar to the same-capacity power transformer, except that the voltage regulation mode and the voltage regulation range are different.
          Technical parameters

          Related Products

          Contact:Mr. YuanTel:+86-510-87846969 Fax:+86-510-87848616
          E-mail:yxwb@vip.163.comAdd:Wanshi Town Industrial Concentration Zone, Yixing City, Jiangsu
          Copy right ? 2019 Yixing Wansheng Transformer Co., Ltd.
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